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Free Trieve Search and RAG for your Website and Documentation

Why our component?


10k AI chats + unlimited search when including our logo

React and Web Components

Use it with any framework. Anywhere

Fully typed

No guessing props. Let ctrl + space do the work for you.

AI Chat

Let your users ask questions and get answers.

Light and Dark themes

Fits to your style


Track your users searches, clicks, and AI chat ratings

Easily Styleable

Use our classes as selectors to customize the look and feel

AI Suggested Queries

Let visitors unfamilar with your site learn about what they can search for


How to get started


Available customization options
name type description defaut
datasetId string The id of the dataset used to search <must be specified>
apiKey string The api key used to search <must be specified>
chat boolean Adds AI search to the compomnent. Only works in the Modal version true
analytics boolean If you want to track the searches and clicks true
placeholder string Placeholder for the search input Search...
onResultClick function Any function you want to run when a user clicks on a search result () => {}
theme light | dark Color theme light
searchOptions SearchChunksReqPayload Any options you want to pass to the search function { search_type: "hybrid" }
openKeyCombination { key?: string; label?: string; ctrl?: boolean }[] Key combination to open the search [{ ctrl: true }, { key: "k", label: "K" }]
ButtonEl JSX.ElementType The element to use as the button, defaults to a rectangular input if null null
responsive boolean If you want the search bar to be responsive and shrink on mobile false
suggestedQueries boolean If you want to show suggested queries and allow the user to refresh them true
defaultSearchQueries string[] The default search queries to show in search mode []
defaultAiQuestions string[] The default AI questions to show in chat mode []
brandLogoImgSrcUrl string The url of the image to use as the brand logo null
brandName string The name of the brand to show in the search bar null
problemLink string The link to the page where the user can report a problem when no results are found
accentColor string The color to use as the accent color #CB53EB